
The layout was created at a resolution of 5192x3466 pixels, 300 dpi, ensuring exceptional detail and versatility for adaptations across various formats. With over 100 layers organized into 16 groups, the project is fully editable, with no destructive techniques used.
Golden Ratio

The golden ratio is a powerful tool in graphic design, as it creates a sense of harmony and visual balance in creative pieces. This proportion naturally guides the viewer’s eye, reinforcing the central message and enhancing the effectiveness of visual communication.

We used artificial intelligence to create a realistic photo of Santa Claus, starting from an original drawing that defines the position in the layout. The background features real stock photos, while the sleigh and bottles were modeled in 3D using Blender. Truly magical, isn’t it?
Final Image

The final result is the product of a blend of techniques, ranging from handcrafted methods to advanced artificial intelligence solutions, anticipating future trends. We hope you feel the enchantment!
Concept Artist: João Felipe Fonseca
3D Modeling: Daniel Porfírio
Creative Retoucher: Matheus Alencar

This is an autoral project to enhance our technical skills and explore new creative possibilities. No commercial value.

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